
birth through grades 7

Children are always welcome at RELC.

Children in service.
Children in service.

We love kids here at RELC. When we are worshiping in the larger Worship Life Center we have a soft space area with tables and chairs, and a cart of books, puzzles for young kids to use during service. Please do not hesitate to bring your kids to church, we try to have a variety of options to help all our families.

Children's Church
Children's Church

Children’s Church is open to all children aged 3-4th grade, and takes place during the bible readings and sermon.
Pastor Dave releases the kids with an adult leader for a lesson and activity. Everyone comes back during Share the Peace.

We are always looking for help leading a Sunday lesson so please reach out to the office if interested.

Godly Play
Godly Play

Godly Play is a Sunday School program for preschool through 3rd grade that meets at 9am during the school year before worship service. They do not meet every Sunday, so check the church calendar below and see if they will be meeting. Please check the church calendar or your weekly bulletin.

Fusion Youth Group
Fusion Youth Group

Fusion Youth Group is designed for all kids ages 3 through 5th grade! We meet about once a month for fun and learning. Currently meeting in classroom #1. Please check the church calendar to see when our next get together will be.

Youth Sunday School
Youth Sunday School

Grades 4-7 can have Youth Sunday School with Pastor Dave when they attend worship during the school year. Most Sunday mornings at 9am. Please reach out to Pastor Dave, he is usually found in the church office before worship and happy to lead Youth Sunday School. Please reach out to the office with questions or information about Catechism and Confirmation.

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is offered most summers for a few days of learning fun. Please see our church calendar for dates or reach out to the office for more information.

This summer’s VBS will be June 25-27 from 6-7:3opm.