In partnership with Samaritan’s Purse, the members of RELC gather shoe boxes, wrapping paper, packing, and a variety of items to fill the boxes, as well as provide prayers for those who will receive these gifts. With loving care, members pack the boxes to spread the love of Jesus to children all over the world who live in difficult situations and do not know about God’s love.
Items are collected all year long and may be brought to the church office during the week (M-F 11-3) or on Sunday mornings. Donation boxes located adjacent to the rest rooms in the narthex.
- small toys and games
- socks
- cups
- stuffed animals
- jump ropes
- small balls -bouncy balls, squish balls, etc.
- Musical toys
- small dolls
- finger puppets
- slinky
- card games
- small cars and trucks
Barb Emmets,